Posts Tagged With: broken boards

1r dia de surf – Taules trencades i colegues al hostal

IMG_1754Primers dies a Kaua’i, al arribar ens vam adonar que la brillant idea de dormir per $3 la nit al camping era inviable. Trenquen els vidres dels cotxes i plou que flipes. Així que després que a la dona del renting del cotxe li féssim molta pena, ens va donar un cotxe superior al que teniem de gratis, d’un compacte a una minivan. Aleshores va començar la recerca del nou lloc on dormir, al final ens vam decidir per l’hostal Honue, a Kapaa, on dormirem fins que marxem per $20/nit i persona, la gent és super enrollada i no hem de patir per les nostres coses, dormirem en un llit, tenim cuina i WIFI. El primer dia no va donar gaire per més, vam posar-nos gordos menjant hamburgueses i pizzes i vam dormir al cotxe ben calentets i amb olor de 3 dies de viatge.

Initial days in Kaua’i, as soon as we landed in the island we realized that the brilliant idea of sleeping for 3$ per night in a camping was not feasible. There are people that break into the cars and the rain is plain awful. Sooo after making the woman on the car rental feel really pity for us, she offered us a free car upgrade, we booked a little compact car, we got a minivan. Afterwards, the new sleeping place search began, at the end we decided to stay at the Honue hostal, in Kapaa, where we would be sleep till we return home for 20$day x person, the people is really friendly and we have zero worries for our goods, we sleep on a bed, we have kitchen and WIFI. The first day didn’t offered anything more, we fatted our asses with some burgers and pizzas, and then, we slept inside the car, was hot and considerably smelly after 3 days spent traveling.

IMG_1752El seguent dia va començar menys plujós i dirigint-nos cap a la famosa botiga de Tamba, la botiga més famosa de surf de l’illa i la que patrocinava als Irons, els senyors Iñaki i Jan han anat a tope comprant-se dos Tamba Grenade mentres el Jaume i l’Oriol han triat millor llogar, el depenent molt enrollat ens va regalar ceres, 2 pads i pegatines, bastant bon rotllo. Com fins les 13h no podiem fer el check in al hostal vam decidir anar a una platja aprop de Kapaa, Kealia Beach, no pintava molt bé però vam poder agafar les nostres primeres onades i trencar la taula de lloguer de l’Uri, la punta a la merda al tocar amb el fons de sorra de Kealia Beach. Per sort el tiu de la botiga ens en va donar una altra i ens va dir que no ens cobraria cap lloguer i només haviem de pagar la reparació, o això és el que vam entendre. Després vam anar a fer el check in al hostal i a comprar provisions de menjar per la setmana, pasta i salsa a tutiplen, res de complicacions. La tarda la vam passar a Kealia Beach de nou, on les onades estaven més crescudetes i vam tenir una bona sessió… Fins que l’Iñaki va foradar la taula del Jan després de que aquest li robés una onada, per sort a l’hostal un rastes libanès molt enrollat ens la repararà i avui (dimarts) ens portarà a fer surf amb ell i un altra colega. La cosa pinta molt bé! Aloha!

The next day started with less rain and we headed to the famous surf shop -Tamba- which is one of the most famous surfs shops on the island and also the one that sponsored Andy Irons, Iñaki and Jan have gone all in by directly buying two Tamba boards, Jaume and Oriol have decided to better rent, the shop attendant was really cool and gave us some waxs, pads and stickers. As until 1pm we weren’t able to check in into the hostel, we decided to go to a beach close to Kapaa, Kealia beach, which actually didn’t seemed optimal for surfing, but we caught our firsts waves and broke the tip of Oriol’s board. The tip was broken after it got stuck in the sand bottom of the beach. Luckily enough, the guy on the rental gave us another one at zero charge but we had to pay for the tip restauration, or at least that was what we understood. Later we went to the hostal to check in and to buy some food for the week, like pasta, tons of sauce, all kept simple. The evening was spent again in Kealia Beach, where the waves had grown bigger and we enjoyed a great surfing session… But it was just until Iñaki drilled Jan’s brand new board after Jan’s (not on purpose) stole Iñaki a wave, they collided in the wave and Iñaki’s fins carved a depth scar in Jan’s board. Luckily enough Again, a very cool Libanon Rasta guy who repaired it and the next day (tuesday) will take us with another friend of him to some sweet surfing spot. Things look really intereresting. Aloha!


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